
澳门官方娱乐游戏平台(MCC), we are committed to protecting your privacy and making it easier and more efficient for individuals and businesses to interact with MCC. We recognize that it is critical for individuals and businesses to be confident that their privacy is protected when they visit csaaiir.com. 你可以在摩纳哥的大部分地区旅行.没有告诉我们任何关于你自己的信息. 有时我们确实需要信息来提供您要求的服务, 这种对隐私的承诺解释了我们的在线信息实践.

世纪挑战集团不收取任何费用 个人信息 关于您的信息,除非您通过发送电子邮件自愿提供这些信息, 填写在线信息申请表, 完成网上申请, 或完成网上注册.

这一说法与《 互联网安全和隐私法, 信息自由法个人隐私保护法.

参观摩纳哥时.edu, MCC automatically collects and stores the following information about your visit:

  • 访问我们网站的计算机的互联网协议地址
  • The type of browser, its version 和 operating system on which that browser is running
  • 的网页 用户 访问当前网页
  • 的日期和时间 用户的 访问
  • 访问过的页面和在每个页面上花费的时间

上述信息均不被视为构成 个人信息 互联网隐私和安全法案. The information that is collected automatically is used several ways, 包括 to improve csaaiir.com's content and to help MCC understand how visitors are interacting with its website. This information is also used for statistical analysis and to determine what information is of most and least interest to our website visitors. 请参阅“再处置,了解MCC如何使用这些信息宣传MCC服务的更多信息.

在您访问monroecc期间.edu,您可以向MCC发送电子邮件. 您的电子邮件地址和您的邮件内容将被收集. 收集的信息不限于文本字符,还可能包括音频, 信息中包含的视频和图形信息格式. Your email address 和 information included in your message will be used to respond to you, 解决你发现的问题, 改善本网站, 和/或将您的信息转发给MCC的其他部门,以便采取适当的行动. Your email address is not collected for commercial purposes and MCC is not authorized to sell or otherwise disclose your email address for commercial purposes.

在您访问monroecc期间.edu, you may complete a transaction such as an online application or an online information request form. MCC收集的信息包括 个人信息 由你自愿完成交易, is used by MCC 和5月 be disclosed by MCC for those purposes that may be reasonably ascertained from the nature and terms of the transaction in which the information was submitted.

世纪挑战集团没有故意收取费用 个人信息 从13岁以下的儿童或创建13岁以下儿童的档案. 然而,用户需要注意的是 个人信息 在电子邮件中提交将被视为成人提交, 和5月, 除非联邦或州法律允许, 对公众开放.

通过监控收集信息.edu 和 disclosure of that information are subject to the provisions of the 互联网安全和隐私法. 世纪挑战集团只收取费用 个人信息 通过monroecc.Edu或disclosure 个人信息 通过monroecc收集.如果。 用户 是否同意收集或披露该等资料 个人信息. 自愿披露 个人信息 到世纪挑战公司 用户 constitutes consent to the collection and disclosure of the information by MCC for the purposes for which the 用户 向世纪挑战集团披露了这些信息.

但是,世纪挑战集团可能会收集或披露 个人信息 without consent if the collection or disclosure is: (1) necessary to perform the statutory duties of MCC, 或为世纪挑战集团运作法律授权的项目所必需的, or authorized by state or federal statute or regulation; (2) made pursuant to a court order or by law; (3) for the purpose of validating the identity of the 用户; or (4) of information to be used solely for statistical purposes that is in a form that cannot be used to identify any particular person.

此外,信息的披露,包括 个人信息,通过monroecc收集.Edu受条款的约束 信息自由法个人隐私保护法.

世纪挑战集团可披露 个人信息 to federal or state law enforcement authorities to enforce its rights against unauthorized 访问 or attempted unauthorized 访问 to MCC’s information technology assets.

通过监控收集的信息.edu is retained by MCC in accordance with the records retention and disposition requirements of the New York State Arts & 文化法. 在一般情况下, MCC的Internet服务日志, comprising electronic files or automated logs created to monitor 访问 and use of College services provided 通过monroecc.Edu,都已存档以备将来参考. Information concerning these records retention and disposition schedules may be obtained through the Internet privacy policy contact listed in this statement.

查阅和改正 个人信息 通过monroecc收集.edu
任何 用户 可向MCC的隐私合规官提交请求,以确定是否 个人信息 与此相关 用户 已通过monroecc收集.edu. 任何 such request shall be made in writing and must be accompanied by reasonable proof of identity of the 用户. 合理的身份证明可包括核实签名, 包含一个通常仅为 用户,或类似的适当身份证明. 隐私合规官的地址为:


隐私合规官应, 在收到适当请求后的五(5)个工作日内, 提供进入 个人信息; deny 访问 in writing, explaining the reasons therefore; or acknowledge the receipt of the request in writing, 说明批准或拒绝申请的大致日期, which date shall not be more than thirty (30) days from the date of the acknowledgment.

如果世纪挑战集团收集了 个人信息 与…有关 用户 通过monroecc.Edu,这些信息将提供给 用户 根据 用户的 请求时,隐私合规官应当通知 用户 他或她有权要求 个人信息 根据中规定的程序进行修改或更正 公职人员法第95条.

机密性和完整性 个人信息 通过monroecc收集.edu
世纪挑战集团坚定地致力于保护 个人信息 通过monroecc收集.防止未经授权的访问、使用或披露. 因此,世纪挑战集团限制员工访问 个人信息 通过monroecc收集.edu to only those employees who need 访问 to the information in the performance of their official duties. 员工 who have 访问 to this information follow appropriate procedures in connection with any disclosures of 个人信息.

除了, MCC has implemented procedures to safeguard the integrity of its information technology assets, 包括, 但不限于, 身份验证, 授权, 监控, 审计和加密. 这些安全程序已纳入设计, 管理项目的实施和日常运作.edu as part of our continuing commitment to the security of electronic content as well as the electronic transmission of information.

为了网站的安全目的和保持监控的可用性.全民教育 用户, MCC employs software to monitor traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information or otherwise damage csaaiir.com.

MCC may make use of various third-party services for behavioral and remarketing campaigns.  These campaigns may involve: showing digital advertisements to 用户 whose online use habits indicate an interest in MCC educational services, and displaying digital advertisements or follow-up messages to 用户 who have visited one or more of MCC’s websites.

包括Google在内的第三方供应商可能会使用cookie来跟踪互联网使用情况.  Information gathered by these cookies may be used to display MCC advertisements on sites across the Internet.  任何 data collected will be used in accordance with our privacy statement and with Google’s privacy policy. You can opt out of interest-based advertising by adjusting your cookie settings or permanently using a browser plugin.

饼干 are small pieces of information that are stored by the 用户的 browser on the hard drive of your computer. Monroecc.Edu在其网站的某些部分使用会话cookie.

The information provided in this privacy statement should not be construed as giving business, 法律或其他建议, 或保证作为故障证明, 通过监控提供的信息的安全性.edu.

有关本互联网私隐政策的问题,请联络 我们的隐私官通过电子邮件 或邮寄至:


The following definitions apply to those terms, which appear in italics in this statement:

个人信息:用于本声明的目的, “个人信息”是指与自然人有关的任何信息, 因为名字的关系, 数量, 象征, 标记或其他标识符, 可以用来识别那个自然人吗.
User: “User” shall have the meaning set forth in subdivision 8 of section 202 of the State Technology Law.